Uses of Class

Packages that use Node

Uses of Node in com.pow2.structures.tree

Fields in com.pow2.structures.tree declared as Node
protected  Node Node.left
          left node
protected  Node Node.right
          right node
protected  Node Node.parent
          parent node
protected  Node BinaryTree.root
          The root node of the tree

Methods in com.pow2.structures.tree that return Node
 Node Node.getLeft()
          Gets the left attribute of the Node object
 Node Node.getRight()
          Gets the right attribute of the Node object
 Node Node.getParent()
          Gets the parent attribute of the Node object
 Node ItemTree.getNode(String id)
          Get the node referenced by the input id.
 Node BinaryTree.getLeft()
          Gets the left node of the root node
 Node BinaryTree.getRoot()
          Get the root node of the BinaryTree object
 Node BinaryTree.getRight()
          Gets the right node of the root node

Methods in com.pow2.structures.tree with parameters of type Node
 void NodeVisitorInterface.visit(Node n)
          Visit the input node.
 void Node.setLeft(Node l)
          Sets the left attribute of the Node object
 void Node.setRight(Node r)
          Sets the right attribute of the Node object
 void Node.setParent(Node p)
          Sets the parent attribute of the Node object
protected  void ItemTree.remove(Node n)
          Remove the input node from the tree, rearranging the parent and the child nodes references.
protected  void ItemTree.pretrav(Node p)
          Traverse the tree, using pre-order algorithm, starting from the input node; visit only open nodes.
 boolean ItemTree.insertLeft(Node p, Node c)
          Insert a new left node into the tree.
 boolean ItemTree.insertRight(Node p, Node c)
          Insert a new right node into the tree.
 boolean ItemTree.addLeft(Node p, Node c)
          Add a new left node to the parent node left node list.
 boolean ItemTree.addRight(Node p, Node c)
          Add a new right node to the parent node right node list.
 void BinaryTree.setRoot(Node r)
          Set the root node of the BinaryTree object
 boolean BinaryTree.insertLeft(Node p, Node c)
          Insert a new left node into the tree.
 boolean BinaryTree.insertRight(Node p, Node c)
          Insert a new right node into the tree.
 boolean BinaryTree.addLeft(Node p, Node c)
          Add a new left node to the parent node left node list.
 boolean BinaryTree.addRight(Node p, Node c)
          Add a new right node to the parent node right node list.
 void BinaryTree.move(Node p, Node c, boolean isLeft)
          Move the input c node over the new parent p node.
 void BinaryTree.remove(Node n, boolean recursive)
          Remove the input node from the tree.
protected  void BinaryTree.remove(Node n)
          Remove the input node from the tree, rearranging the parent and the child nodes references.
protected  void BinaryTree.pretrav(Node p)
          Traverse the tree, using pre-order algorithm, starting from the input node.
protected  void BinaryTree.intrav(Node p)
          Traverse the tree, using in-order algorithm, starting from the input node.
protected  void BinaryTree.postrav(Node p)
          Traverse the tree, using post-order algorithm, starting from the input node.
 void BinaryTree.visit(Node n)
          Visit the content of the input node.
 void BinarySearchTree.visit(Node n)
          Visit the content of the input node.

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