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1   /***
2    *  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
3    *  License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
4    *  except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
5    *  the License at
6    *
7    *  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
8    *  IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
9    *  implied. See the License for the specific language governing
10   *  rights and limitations under the License.
11   *
12   *  The Original Code is pow2toolkit library.
13   *
14   *  The Initial Owner of the Original Code is
15   *  Power Of Two S.R.L. (
16   *
17   *  Portions created by Power Of Two S.R.L. are
18   *  Copyright (C) Power Of Two S.R.L.
19   *  All Rights Reserved.
20   *
21   * Contributor(s):
22   */
24  package com.pow2.dao;
26  import java.sql.*;
27  import java.util.*;
29  import org.apache.commons.beanutils.*;
30  import org.apache.log4j.*;
32  import com.pow2.resources.*;
36  /***
37   *  Abstract Data access object.
38   *
39   * @author     Luca Fossato
40   * @version    $Id:,v 2004/08/31 20:22:46 foxat Exp $
41   */
42  public abstract class AbstractDAO
43  {
44    /*** Log4J category. */
45    protected static Category cat = Category.getInstance(AbstractDAO.class);
47    /*** preferences instance */
48    private static Prefs prefs = Prefs.instance();
50    /*** connectionFactory instance */
51    private static ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = ConnectionFactory.instance();
54    /***
55     *  Protected default constructor.
56     */
57    protected AbstractDAO()
58    {
59    }
62    /***
63     *  Get the debug status.
64     *
65     * @return the debug status.
66     *         True  means that all the logging requests of priority DEBUG are enabled;
67     *         false means that that logging requests are are disabled
68     */
69    public boolean isDebugEnabled()
70    {
71      return cat.isDebugEnabled();
72    }
75    /***
76     * Apply the input condition on the input table.
77     *
78     * @param  tableName  the name of the table where to apply the input condition
79     * @param  condition  the where condition string
80     * @return            true  if the input condition retrieves at least one record
81     *                          from the input table;
82     *                    false otherwise
83     * @exception  Exception  if any error occurs
84     */
85    public boolean assertion(String tableName, String condition) throws Exception
86    {
87      return (count(tableName, condition) > 0);
88    }
91    /***
92     *  Get the number of records from the input table.
93     *
94     * @param  tableName                the name of the table where to retrieve the records number
95     * @return                          the number of records of the input table
96     * @exception  Exception            if any error occurs
97     */
98    public long count(String tableName) throws Exception
99    {
100     return count(tableName, null);
101   }
104   /***
105    *  Get the number of records from the input table
106    *
107    * @param  tableName                the name of the table where to retrieve the records number
108    * @param  condition                the where condition string, or null (stands for "no condition")
109    * @return                          the records number of the input table
110    * @exception  Exception            if any error occurs
111    */
112   public long count(String tableName, String condition) throws Exception
113   {
114     StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer()
115                           .append("select count(*) as RES from ")
116                           .append(tableName);
118     if (condition != null)
119       sb.append(" where ").append(condition);
121     return count(tableName, sb.toString(), "RES");
122   }
125   /***
126    *  Get a new unique key value.
127    *
128    * @return                          a new unique key value
129    * @exception  Exception            Description of the Exception
130    */
131   public long getNewKey() throws Exception
132   {
133     return IdGenerator.instance().getId();
134   }
137   /***
138    *  Delete records from the input table, using the input condition.
139    *  <br>
140    *  This method supports the READ_COMMITTED isolation level
141    *  to prevent dirty reads.
142    *
143    * @param  condition                the query string.
144    * @param  tableName                Description of the Parameter
145    * @exception  Exception            Description of the Exception
146    */
147   public void delete(String tableName, String condition) throws Exception
148   {
149     Connection con = null;
151     try
152     {
153       con = getConnection(Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE);
154       delete(tableName, condition, con);
155     }
156     finally
157     {
158       closeResources(con, true);
159     }
160   }
163   /***
164    *  Delete records from the input table, using the input condition.
165    *  <br>
166    *  This method is useful for DbForms interceptor classes, because
167    *  it <b>doesn't close</b> the connection object; the connection management
168    *  is left to the application developer.
169    *
170    * @param  tableName       the name of the database table
171    * @param  condition       the query condition (a SQL 'where' clause
172    *                         without the 'WHERE' word);
173    * @param  con             the JDBC Connection object.
174    * @exception  Exception   if any error occurs
175    */
176   public void delete(String     tableName,
177                      String     condition,
178                      Connection con)
179     throws Exception
180   {
181     Statement st        = null;
182     String    query     = null;
183     long      i         = 0;
185     // we don't like null connections !!
186     if (con == null)
187        throw new Exception("input connection is null");
189     StringBuffer qy = new StringBuffer()
190                           .append("delete from ")
191                           .append(tableName)
192                           .append(" where ")
193                           .append(condition);
195     try
196     {
197       st = con.createStatement();
198       st.executeUpdate(qy.toString());
199     }
200     finally
201     {
202       // DO NOT close the connection;
203       if (st != null) st.close();
205       if ((con != null) && !con.getAutoCommit())
206"::delete - remember to close the open transaction !");
207     }
208   }
211   /***
212    *  Return a JDBC Connection.
213    *  <BR>
214    *  note: should <br>NOT</br> be public !!
215    *
216    * @return                a JDBC Connection
217    * @exception  Exception  Exception if any error occurs
218    */
219   public Connection getConnection() throws Exception
220   {
221     return connectionFactory.getConnection();
222   }
225   /***
226    *  Open a new transaction and return a JDBC Connection set with the input
227    *  isolation level.
228    *
229    * @param isolationLevel  the isolation level to set the connection to
230    * @return  the new "transactional" connection object
231    * @throws Exception if any error occurs
232    */
233   public Connection getConnection(int isolationLevel) throws Exception
234   {
235     return connectionFactory.getConnection(isolationLevel);
236   }
241   /***
243    */
246   /***
247    *  set a SQL LIKE statement
248    *
249    * @param  value the value to bound to the LIKE statement
250    * @return  the LIKE statement
251    */
252   protected String setLike(String value)
253   {
254     return setLike(value, true, 0);
255   }
258   /***
259    *  set a SQL LIKE statement
260    *
261    * @param  value     the value to bound to the LIKE statement
262    * @param  upperCase true to upper all the characters of the the input value string
263    * @param  likeMode  0 stands for "contains":    LIKE %${value}%
264    *                   1 stands for "starts with": LIKE ${value}%
265    * @return the LIKE statement
266    */
267   protected String setLike(String value, boolean upperCase, int likeMode)
268   {
269     value = (likeMode == 0) ?
270       new StringBuffer("'%").append(value).append("%'").toString() :            // contains
271       new StringBuffer("'").append(value).append("%'").toString();              // starts with
273     if (upperCase)
274       value.toUpperCase();
276     return value;
277   }
280   /***
281    *  Encode the input statement string, replacing all the "'" characters
282    *  with "''" string.
283    *
284    * @param  statement  the SQL statement string to encode
285    * @return the encoded statement string
286    */
287   protected String encode(String statement)
288   {
289     StringBuffer in  = new StringBuffer(statement.trim().toUpperCase());
290     StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
292     for (int i = 0; i < in.length(); i++)
293     {
294       if (String.valueOf(in.charAt(i)).equals("'"))
295         out.append("''");
296       else
297         out.append(in.charAt(i));
298     }
300     return out.toString();
301   }
304   /***
305    *  Transfer a record data into the input value object bean.
306    *  <br>
307    *  The bean must simply have one or more accessors that match column names in
308    *  the Map object generated from the input resultSet.<br>
309    *  The columns that have a matching accessor will be used to populate the beans.
310    *  Other accessors and columns are ignored.
311    *
312    * @param  bean the value object to populate with the data retrieved
313    *         from the input resultSet
314    * @param  resultSet the resultSet used to retrieve the record data from
315    * @exception  SQLException if any error occurs
316    */
317   protected void populate(Object bean, ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException
318   {
319     // Build a list of relevant column properties from this resultSet
320     HashMap properties = new HashMap();
322     // Acquire resultSet MetaData
323     ResultSetMetaData metaData = resultSet.getMetaData();
324     int               cols     = metaData.getColumnCount();
326     // Scroll to next record and pump into hashmap
327     if (
328     {
329       for (int i = 1; i <= cols; i++)
330         properties.put(metaData.getColumnName(i), resultSet.getString(i));
331     }
333     // Set the corresponding properties of our bean
334     try
335     {
336       BeanUtils.populate(bean, properties);
337     }
338     catch (Exception e)
339     {
340       throw new SQLException("BeanUtils.populate threw " + e.toString());
341     }
342   }
345   /***
346    *  Commit or rollback any uncommitted transaction
347    *  and close the input connection.
348    *  <br>
349    *  Call this method into a <code>finally()</code> clause.
350    *
351    * @param  con     the Connection object to close
352    * @param  commit  true to commit the transaction, false to rollback it
353    * @exception  SQLException  if any error occurs
354    */
355   protected void closeResources(Connection con, boolean commit)
356     throws SQLException
357   {
358     closeResources(null, null, con, commit);
359   }
362   /***
363    *  Close the JDBC statement object, commit or rollback any uncommitted
364    *  transaction and close the input connection.
365    *  <br>
366    *  Call this method into a <code>finally()</code> clause.
367    *
368    * @param  st      the Statement object to close
369    * @param  con     the Connection object to close
370    * @param  commit  true to commit the transaction, false to rollback it
371    * @exception  SQLException  if any error occurs
372    */
373   protected void closeResources(Statement st, Connection con, boolean commit)
374     throws SQLException
375   {
376     closeResources(null, st, con, commit);
377   }
380   /***
381    *  Close the JDBC resultSet and statement objects, commit or rollback
382    *  any uncommitted transaction and close the input connection.
383    *  <br>
384    *  Call this method into a <code>finally()</code> clause.
385    *
386    * @param  rs       the recordSet  object to close
387    * @param  con      the Connection object to close
388    * @param  st       the statement  object to close
389    * @param  commit   true to commit the connection, false to rollback it
390    * @exception  SQLException  if any error occurs
391    */
392   protected void closeResources(ResultSet  rs,
393                                 Statement  st,
394                                 Connection con,
395                                 boolean    commit)
396     throws SQLException
397   {
398     if (rs  != null) rs.close();
399     if (st  != null) st.close();
400     if (con != null) finalizeConnection(con, commit, true);
401   }
406   /***
408    */
411   /***
412    *  Finalize the input connection, following these steps:
413    *  <ul>
414    *    <li>check if the input connection is in transactional state. If yes:
415    *      <ul>
416    *        <li>
417    *          if the input <code>commit</code> parameter value is true,
418    *          commit the transaction; <b>else</b> rollback it
419    *        <li>
420    *        <li>
421    *          set the connection auto-commit mode to <b>true</b>
422    *        </li>
423    *      </ul>
424    *    </li>
425    *    <li>
426    *      if the input <code>close</code> parameter value is true,
427    *      close the connection
428    *    </li>
429    *  </ul>
430    *
431    * @param  con       the input connection object
432    * @param  commit    true to commit the connection, false to rollback it
433    * @param  close     true  to close the input connection; false otherwise
434    * @exception  SQLException  if any error occurs
435    */
436   private void finalizeConnection(Connection con,
437                                   boolean    commit,
438                                   boolean    close)
439     throws SQLException
440   {
441     if (con == null)
442     {
443       cat.warn("::finalizeConnection - input connection is null");
444       return;
445     }
447     SQLException mainSQLException = null;
449     // current connection is in "transaction" mode ?
450     try
451     {
452       // Am I in the middle of a transaction ?
453       if (!con.getAutoCommit())
454       {
455         // it seems I should commit it !
456         if (commit)
457         {
458           con.commit();
459 "::finalizeConnection - transaction committed");
460         }
462         // no, rollback !
463         else
464         {
465           con.rollback();
466 "::finalizeConnection - transaction rollback");
467         }
468       }
469     }
471     // any exception generated by the code above
472     // will rollback any open transaction;
473     catch(SQLException e)
474     {
475       if ((con != null) && !con.getAutoCommit())
476         con.rollback();
478       cat.error("::finalizeConnection - MUST rollback this transaction !", e);
479       mainSQLException = e;
480       throw e;
481     }
483     // paranoid mode: call Connection.setAutoCommit(true) into the finally clause
484     // because of any exception generated by commit / rollback methods.
485     // If the system uses a connection pool, I suppose I must return a connection
486     // that doesn't have an open transaction [Am I right ? ndFxt].
487     finally
488     {
489       try
490       {
491         // suspend any transaction;
492         if ((con != null) && !con.getAutoCommit())
493           con.setAutoCommit(true);
495         if (close && !con.isClosed())
496           con.close();
497       }
498       catch(SQLException e)
499       {
500         cat.error("::finalizeConnection - cannot set auto-commit to true or close the connection; error code, sql ste = ["
501                      + e.getErrorCode() + ", " + e.getSQLState() + "]", e);
503         // append this new exception to the main one (if it exists),
504         // or throw this one !
505         if (mainSQLException != null)
506           mainSQLException.setNextException(e);
507         else
508           throw e;
509       }
510     }
511   }
514   /***
515    *  Execute queries that use aggregate functions.
516    *  <br>
517    *  This method supports the READ_COMMITTED transaction isolation level
518    *  to prevent dirty reads.
519    *
520    * @param  tableName      the name of the table
521    * @param  query          the query with aggregate function to execute
522    * @param  fieldName      the name of the field that contains the query result
523    * @return                the query aggregate function result
524    * @exception  Exception  if any error occurs
525    */
526   private long count(String tableName, String query, String fieldName) throws Exception
527   {
528     Connection con = null;
529     Statement  st  = null;
530     ResultSet  rs  = null;
531     long       i   = 0;
533     try
534     {
535       con = getConnection(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);
536       st  = con.createStatement();
537       rs  = st.executeQuery(query);
539       if (
540         i = rs.getInt(fieldName);
541     }
542     finally
543     {
544       closeResources(rs, st, con, true);
545     }
547     return i;
548   }
549 }