View Javadoc

1   package com.pow2.user.dao;
3   import com.pow2.user.User;
5   /***
6    *  Abstract class for User Data Access objects
7    *
8    * @author     Luca Fossato
9    * @created    22 aprile 2002
10   */
11  public interface UserDAO
12  {
13    /***
14     *  Get the data provider type
15     *
16     * @return the data provider type
17     */
18    public String getProviderType();
21    /***
22     *  Get the registered User identified by the input
23     *  <code>login</code> and <code>passwd</code> properties.
24     *
25     * @param  login          Description of the Parameter
26     * @param  passwd         Description of the Parameter
27     * @return                the registered User object if the login procedure is successful;
28     *                        null otherwise
29     * @exception  Exception  Description of the Exception
30     */
31    public User getUser(String login, String passwd) throws Exception;
34    /***
35     *  Update the input User object with the user informations
36     *  retrieved from the database.
37     *  <br>
38     *  This method uses the User <code>login</code>
39     *  and <code>passwd</code> properties to execute the login procedure.
40     *
41     * @param  user           the user object with the <code>login</code>
42     *               and <code>passwd</code> properties properly set.
43     * @exception  Exception  Description of the Exception
44     */
45    public void getUser(User user) throws Exception;
48    /***
49     *  Persist the user informations into the database.
50     *  <br>
51     *  This method updates or insert a new User entry into the database
52     *  depending on the user id value.
53     *
54     *  @param user the user object to persist into the database
55     *  @exception Exception if any error occurs
56     */
57    public void setUser(User user) throws Exception;
60    /***
61     *  Delete the User having the input id from the database.
62     *
63     * @param id  the identifier of the user to remove from the database
64     * @throws Exception if any error occurs
65     */
66    public void deleteUser(String id) throws Exception;
69    /***
70     *  Test if the input user <code>login</code> property
71     *  already exists into the application database.
72     *
73     * @param  user   the user object
74     * @return        true if the input user login already exists into the application database;
75     *                false otherwise.
76     * @exception  Exception  if any error occurs
77     */
78    public boolean loginExists(User user) throws Exception;
81    /***
82     *  Test if the input <code>login</code> property
83     *  already exists into the application database.
84     *
85     * @param  login  the login string
86     * @return        true if the input login  already exists into the application database;
87     *                false otherwise
88     * @exception  Exception  if any error occurs
89     */
90    public boolean loginExists(String login) throws Exception;
91  }