View Javadoc

1   /***
2    *  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
3    *  License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
4    *  except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
5    *  the License at
6    *
7    *  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
8    *  IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
9    *  implied. See the License for the specific language governing
10   *  rights and limitations under the License.
11   *
12   *  The Original Code is pow2toolkit library.
13   *
14   *  The Initial Owner of the Original Code is
15   *  Power Of Two S.R.L. (
16   *
17   *  Portions created by Power Of Two S.R.L. are
18   *  Copyright (C) Power Of Two S.R.L.
19   *  All Rights Reserved.
20   *
21   * Contributor(s):
22   *
23   *   Dennis Carroll <>
24   *     - fixed a typo error in isNewAuthentication()
25   */
27  package com.pow2.user;
30  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
31  import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
33  import org.apache.log4j.Category;
35  import com.pow2.struts.forms.RegistrationForm;
37  import com.pow2.user.dao.UserDAO;
38  import com.pow2.user.dao.UserDAOFactory;
39  import com.pow2.util.Util;
42  /***
43   *  Manage the User entities.
44   *  <br>
45   *  This class is a facade to the user package functions.
46   *
47   * @author  Luca Fossato
48   * @created  22 aprile 2002
49   */
50  public class UserManager
51  {
52    /*** Session User key */
53    public final static String USER_KEY = "com.pow2.user";
55    /*** Log4j category */
56    private Category cat = Category.getInstance(this.getClass());
58    /*** an handle to the unique UserManager instance. */
59    private static UserManager instance = null;
62    /***
63     * Default private constructor.
64     */
65    private UserManager()
66    {
67    }
70    /***
71     *  Get the unique instance of UserManager class.
72     *
73     * @return  the instance of UserManager class
74     */
75    public static synchronized UserManager instance()
76    {
77      if (instance == null)
78        instance = new UserManager();
80      return instance;
81    }
84    /***
85     *  Retrieve the User object from the Session context.
86     *
87     * @param  request Description of the Parameter
88     * @return  the retrieved User object, or null if the Session context
89     *         does not have any User reference
90     */
91    public User getUser(HttpServletRequest request)
92    {
93      HttpSession session = null;
94      User        user    = null;
96      if ((session = request.getSession()) != null)
97      {
98        user = (User)session.getAttribute(USER_KEY);
100       // OLD STUFF... I don't remember why ... 
101       //if ((user != null) && !(user instanceof User))
102       //{
103       //  cat.error("::getUser - session provides a fake user reference to a [" + user.getClass() + "] class; return null");
104       //  user = null;
105       //}
106     }
108     if (user == null)
109     {
110       cat.warn("::getUser - user retrieved from the session context is null");
111     }
113     return user;
114   }
117   /***
118    *  Retrieve a registered User object from the database.
119    *
120    * @param   login the user login
121    * @param   passwd the user password
122    * @return  the registered user object, or null if:<br>
123    *          <ul>
124    *            <li>
125    *              the input login and passwd attributes don't match
126    *              any user profile
127    *            </li>
128    *            <li>
129    *              the validation process fails
130    *            </li>
131    *          </ul>
132    */
133   public User getUser(String login, String passwd) throws Exception
134   {
135     return UserDAOFactory.instance().getUserDAO().getUser(login, passwd);
136   }
139   /***
140    *  Get the User object.
141    *  <br>
142    *  Retrieve the User object from the Session context; <b>if it does not exists,
143    *  create a new one</b>.
144    *  <br>
145    *  If <code>authenticate</code> is true:
146    *  <ul>
147    *    <li>
148    *      if request object has got non-empty <code>login</code> and <code>passwd</code>
149    *      parameters, update the <code>login</code> and <code>passwd</code>
150    *      user properties with that values.
151    *    </li>
152    *    <li>
153    *      authenticate the user and update its informations using
154    *      {@link com.pow2.user.User#getProfile() getProfile}.
155    *    </li>
156    *  </ul>
157    *  Else return the retrieved user (or the new instance) without execute the
158    *  authentication process.<br>&nbsp;
159    *
160    * @param  request the HttpServletRequest object
161    * @param  authenticate true  if the user must be authenticated versus the user database;
162    *                       false otherwise.
163    * @return  the User object
164    */
165   public User getUser(HttpServletRequest request, boolean authenticate) throws Exception
166   {
167     UserDAO dao  = UserDAOFactory.instance().getUserDAO();
168     User    user = null;
170     // try to get the User from the session context;
171     // else create a new one;
172     if ((user = getUser(request)) == null)
173       user = new User();
175     // should authenticate this user ?
176     if (authenticate)
177     {
178       // retrieve the "login" and "passwd" parameters
179       // from the current request context;
180       if (isNewAuthentication(request))
181       {
182         user.setLogin(request.getParameter("login"));
183         user.setPasswd(request.getParameter("passwd"));
184       }
186       // update the user profile;
187       user.getProfile();
188     }
190     return user;
191   }
194   /***
195    *  Remove the current user from the Session context.
196    *
197    * @param  request Description of the Parameter
198    */
199   public void deleteUser(HttpServletRequest request)
200   {
201     HttpSession session = null;
203     if ((session = request.getSession()) != null)
204       session.removeAttribute(USER_KEY);
205   }
208   /***
209    *  Remove the User entry having the input identifier
210    *  from the database.
211    *
212    * @param  id  the identifier of the User entry to remove
213    *             from the database
214    */
215   public void deleteUser(String id)
216   {
217      UserDAO dao = UserDAOFactory.instance().getUserDAO();
219      try
220      {
221         dao.deleteUser(id);
222      }
223      catch(Exception e)
224      {
225         cat.error("::deleteUser - cannot delete this user", e);
226      }
227   }
230   /***
231    *  Set a guest user into the session context.
232    *  <br>
233    *  This method first checks for an existant user object into the
234    *  session context.
235    *  If the user reference does not exist, <code>setGuestUser</code>
236    *  creates and place the new not-authenticated user into the session context.
237    *
238    * @param request the HttpServletRequest object
239    * @exception Exception if any error occurs
240    */
241   public void setGuestUser(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception
242   {
243     setGuestUser(request, User.class);
244   }
247   /***
248    *  Set a guest user into the session context.
249    *  <br>
250    *  This method first checks for an existant user object into the
251    *  session context.
252    *  If the user reference does not exist, <code>setGuestUser</code>
253    *  creates and place the new not-authenticated user into the session context.
254    *
255    * @param request   the HttpServletRequest object
256    * @param userClass the class of the User object to store into the session context.
257    *                  The class MUST extends <code>com.pow2.user.User</code>.
258    * @exception Exception if any error occurs
259    */
260   public void setGuestUser(HttpServletRequest request, Class userClass) throws Exception
261   {
262     User user;
264     if ((user = getUser(request)) == null)
265     {
266       Object userObj = null;
268       try
269       {
270         userObj = Class.forName(userClass.getName()).newInstance();
271       }
272       catch(Exception e)
273       {
274         cat.error("::setGuestUser - cannot instance [" + userClass.getName() + "] class", e);
275         throw e;
276       }
278       // instanced user object extends com.pow2.User ?
279       if (!(userObj instanceof User))
280       {
281         String err = ("[" + userObj.getClass().getName() + "] does NOT extend " + User.class.getName() + "]");
282         cat.error("::setGuestUser - " + err);
283         throw new Exception(err);
284       }
286       user = (User)userObj;
287       setUser(request, user);
288     }
289   }
292   /***
293    *  Store the input User object into the session context.
294    *
295    * @param  request the HttpServletRequest request used to retrieve the current
296    *                  Session object or to create a new one
297    * @param  user the user object to store into the Session context
298    */
299   public void setUser(HttpServletRequest request, User user)
300   {
301     if (user != null)
302     {
303       deleteUser(request);
304       request.getSession(true).setAttribute(USER_KEY, user);
305     }
306   }
309   /***
310    *  Persist the user informations into the database.
311    *  <br>
312    *  This method updates or insert a new User entry into the database
313    *  depending on the user id value.
314    *
315    * @param  user the user object to persist into the database
316    */
317   public void setUser(User user)
318   {
319     if (user != null)
320     {
321       try
322       {
323         UserDAO dao = UserDAOFactory.instance().getUserDAO();
324         dao.setUser(user);
325       }
326       catch (Exception e)
327       {
328         cat.error("::setUser - cannot set the user data into the database", e);
329       }
330     }
331   }
333   /***
334    *
335    * @param user
336    */
337   public void setUser(User user, RegistrationForm form, boolean update)
338   {
339     user.setLogin     (form.getLogin());
340     user.setPasswd    (form.getPasswd());
341     user.setFirstName (form.getFirstName());
342     user.setLastName  (form.getLastName());
343     user.setEmail     (form.getEmail());
344     user.setStreet    (form.getStreet());
345     user.setZipCode   (form.getZipCode());
346     user.setState     (form.getState());
347     user.setCity      (form.getCity());
348     user.setPhone     (form.getPhone());
349     user.setMobile    (form.getMobile());
350     user.setFax       (form.getFax());
352     // persist the user profile into the application database;
353     if (update)
354     {
355       user.setAuthentication(true);
356       setUser(user);
357     }
358   }
361   /***
363    *
364    * @param  request Description of the Parameter
365    * @return  The newAuthentication value
366    */
368   /***
369    *  Check if the request object contains new non-empty
370    *  <code>login</code> and <code>passwd</code> parameters.
371    *
372    * @param  request Description of the Parameter
373    * @return  true if if the request object contains new non-empty
374    *          <code>login</code> and <code>passwd</code> parameters;
375    *          false otherwise.
376    */
377   private boolean isNewAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request)
378   {
379     return (Util.isNull(request.getParameter("login")) &&
380         Util.isNull(request.getParameter("passwd"))) ? false : true;
381   }
382 }