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1   /***
2    *  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
3    *  License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
4    *  except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
5    *  the License at
6    *
7    *  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
8    *  IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
9    *  implied. See the License for the specific language governing
10   *  rights and limitations under the License.
11   *
12   *  The Original Code is pow2toolkit library.
13   *
14   *  The Initial Owner of the Original Code is
15   *  Power Of Two S.R.L. (
16   *
17   *  Portions created by Power Of Two S.R.L. are
18   *  Copyright (C) Power Of Two S.R.L.
19   *  All Rights Reserved.
20   *
21   * Contributor(s):
22   */
24  package com.pow2.user.dao;
26  import com.pow2.dao.AbstractDAO;
27  import com.pow2.user.User;
28  import com.pow2.util.Util;
30  import java.sql.*;
33  /***
34   *  User Data access object.
35   *  <br>
36   *  Encapsulates data access methods for the User entity.
37   *  <br>
38   *  Extends AbstractDAO, and use the singleton
39   *  design pattern to provide an unique object instance
40   *  per vm.
41   *
42   * @author     Luca Fossato
43   * @created    22 aprile 2002
44   * @version    $Id:,v 2004/08/31 20:22:46 foxat Exp $
45   */
46  public class DBUserDAO extends AbstractDAO implements UserDAO
47  {
48    /*** an handle to the unique UserDAO instance. */
49    private static DBUserDAO instance = null;
52    /***
53     * Default private constructor.
54     */
55    protected DBUserDAO()
56    {
57      super();
58    }
61    /***
62     *  Get the unique instance of UserDAO class.
63     *  <br>
64     *  This method is protected; use UserDAOFactory.getUserDAO() instead.
65     *
66     * @return    the instance of UserDAO class
67     */
68    protected static synchronized DBUserDAO instance()
69    {
70      if (instance == null)
71        instance = new DBUserDAO();
73      return instance;
74    }
77    /***
78     *  Get the data provider type
79     *
80     * @return the data provider type
81     */
82    public String getProviderType()
83    {
84      return UserDAOFactory.USER_DATA_PROVIDER_RDBMS;
85    }
88    /***
89     *  Update the input User object with the user informations
90     *  retrieved from the data provider.
91     *  <br>
92     *  This method uses the User <code>login</code>
93     *  and <code>passwd</code> properties to execute the login procedure.
94     *
95     * @param  dao            the UserDAO instance
96     * @param  login          the user login
97     * @param  passwd         the user password
98     * @return                the retrieved User object if the login is succesfull;
99     *                        null if login fails
100    * @exception  Exception  if any error occurs
101    */
102   public User getUser(String login, String passwd) throws Exception
103   {
104     return UserDAOUtil.getUser(this, login, passwd);
105   }
108   /***
109    *  Update the input User object with the user informations
110    *  retrieved from the data provider.
111    *  <br>
112    *  This method uses the User <code>login</code>
113    *  and <code>passwd</code> properties to execute the login procedure.
114    *
115    * @param  user  the user object with the <code>login</code>
116    *               and <code>passwd</code> properties properly set.
117    * @exception  Exception  if any error occurs
118    */
119   public void getUser(User user) throws Exception
120   {
121     Connection        con = null;
122     PreparedStatement ps  = null;
123     ResultSet         rs  = null;
124     String            s   = null;
126     if (user == null)
127     {
128       cat.error("::getUser - input user is null. Why ?");
129       return;
130     }
132     s = "select * from APP_USER where LOGIN_NAME = ? AND PASSWORD_VALUE = ?";
134     try
135     {
136       con = getConnection(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);
137       ps = con.prepareStatement(s);
139       ps.setString(1, user.getLogin());
140       ps.setString(2, user.getPasswd());
141       rs = ps.executeQuery();
143       // authentication property is set to false;
144       user.setAuthentication(false);
146       // get only the first entry !
147       if (
148       {
149         user.setId       (rs.getString("USER_ID"));
150         user.setFirstName(rs.getString("FIRST_NAME"));
151         user.setLastName (rs.getString("LAST_NAME"));
152         user.setEmail    (rs.getString("EMAIL"));
153         user.setStreet   (rs.getString("STREET"));
154         user.setZipCode  (rs.getString("ZIPCODE"));
155         user.setState    (rs.getString("STATE"));
156         user.setCity     (rs.getString("CITY"));
157         user.setPhone    (rs.getString("PHONE"));
158         user.setMobile   (rs.getString("MOBILE"));
159         user.setFax      (rs.getString("FAX"));
161         // set other data here, or use a Visitor object
162         // (see the Visitor design pattern)
164         // user is authenticated !
165         user.setAuthentication(true);
166       }
167     }
168     finally
169     {
170       closeResources(rs, ps, con, true);
171     }
173     // log stuff;
174     if (cat.isDebugEnabled())
175         cat.debug(UserDAOUtil.getAuthenticationLog(user));
176   }
179   /***
180    *  Persist the user informations into the database.
181    *  <br>
182    *  This method updates or insert a new User entry into the database
183    *  depending on the user id value.
184    *
185    *  @param user the user object to persist into the database
186    *  @exception Exception if any error occurs
187    */
188   public void setUser(User user) throws Exception
189   {
190     Connection        con  = null;
191     PreparedStatement ps   = null;
192     ResultSet         rs   = null;
193     String            s    = null;
195     String qryInsert = "insert into APP_USER    (user_id, login_name,     password_value,     first_name,     last_name,     email,     street,     zipcode,     state,     city,     phone,     mobile,     fax,     modified, created) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
196     String qryUpdate = "update      APP_USER set          login_name = ?, password_value = ?, first_name = ?, last_name = ?, email = ?, street = ?, zipcode = ?, state = ?, city = ?, phone = ?, mobile = ?, fax = ?, modified = ?  where user_id = ?";
198     try
199     {
200       con = getConnection(Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE);
202       // insert a new user into the database;
203       if (user.getId().equals(user.USER_ID_NOTPERSISTED))
204       {
205"::setUser - try to INSERT a new user");
206         user.setId(String.valueOf(getNewKey()));
207         ps = con.prepareStatement(qryInsert);
208         ps.setString(1, user.getId());
209         setDBUserAttributes(user, ps, 2);
210         ps.setDate  (15, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
211       }
213       // update the data of an existant user;
214       else
215       {
216"::setUser - try to UPDATE the profile of the current user");
217         ps = con.prepareStatement(qryUpdate);
218         setDBUserAttributes(user, ps, 1);
219         ps.setString(14, user.getId());
220       }
222       ps.executeUpdate();
223     }
224     finally
225     {
226       closeResources(ps, con, true);
227     }
228   }
231   /***
232    *  Delete the User having the input id from the database.
233    *
234    * @param id  the identifier of the user to remove from the database
235    * @throws Exception if any error occurs
236    */
237   public void deleteUser(String id) throws Exception
238   {
239     delete("APP_USER", "user_id = " + id);
240   }
243   /***
244    *  Test if the input user <code>login</code> property
245    *  already exists into the application database.
246    *
247    * @param  user   the user object
248    * @return        true if the input user login already exists into the application database;
249    *                false otherwise
250    * @exception  Exception  if any error occurs
251    */
252   public boolean loginExists(User user) throws Exception
253   {
254     return loginExists(user.getLogin());
255   }
258   /***
259    *  Test if the input <code>login</code> property
260    *  already exists into the application database.
261    *
262    * @param  login  the login string
263    * @return        true if the input login  already exists into the application database;
264    *                false otherwise
265    * @exception  Exception  if any error occurs
266    */
267   public boolean loginExists(String login) throws Exception
268   {
269     if (Util.isNull(login))
270       throw new Exception("login is null or empty.");
272     return assertion("APP_USER", ("LOGIN_NAME = " + Util.dbString(login)));
273   }
276   /***
278    */
281    /***
282     *  set the database user attributes
283     *
284     * @param user the user object containing the informations to insert into the database
285     * @param ps   the PreparedStatement object
286     * @param i    the starting field index
287     */
288    private void setDBUserAttributes(User user, PreparedStatement ps, int i)
289      throws SQLException
290    {
291       ps.setString(i++, user.getLogin());
292       ps.setString(i++, user.getPasswd());
293       ps.setString(i++, user.getFirstName());
294       ps.setString(i++, user.getLastName());
295       ps.setString(i++, user.getEmail());
296       ps.setString(i++, user.getStreet());
297       ps.setString(i++, user.getZipCode());
298       ps.setString(i++, user.getState());
299       ps.setString(i++, user.getCity());
300       ps.setString(i++, user.getPhone());
301       ps.setString(i++, user.getMobile());
302       ps.setString(i++, user.getFax());
303       ps.setDate  (i++, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));  // modified filed;
304     }
305 }